The GeSiM Micro-contact Printer
The Micro-contact-Printer 4.1 (µCP 4.1) is a flexible and fully automated patterning and micro contact printing platform. It offers surface patterning at the submicrometer range as well as Nano-Imprint Lithography in one instrument. It allows for the creation and use of your own PDMS stamps from your own master. Through the powerful Software GUI users can optimize print parameters and create automated procedures. The µCP 4.1 fits into standard laboratory safety cabinets and is highly customizable. It can manage several stamps with individual patterns and is equipped with a centrifuge inking station, UV-curing light and dispense tools.
All GeSiM Micro-contact Printers feature high precision polymer stamps for image fields up to 22mm x 22mm. A dedicated stamp casting tool allows you to create your own copies of each stamp and keeps operational costs low.
Delivery of viscous polymers is possible from a compressed air driven extruder. The polymer can be supplied in a cartridge which can be heated up to 190 C.
Delivery of liquids for µCP is possible with a variety of dispense tools in the nL to µL range.
Micro-contact printing (µCP) does work on the nanoscale: a soft polymer like PDMS (silicone) is cast on a micro- or nanostructured master; the resulting stamp is soaked in sample and pressed onto a surface, thus transferring molecules from the protruding areas. Chemicals, biomolecules, nanoparticles, beads and cells can be printed, which is why µCP is getting popular in the life sciences, e.g. to study the influence of structured matrix proteins or growth factors on growth, differentiation and movement of cells.
Microneedle Arrays are minimally invasive devices that show great potential for drug delivery through the skin's outermost layer. For research purposes the GeSiM micro-contact printers are now able to create such arrays by NIL. Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) has become a hot topic in microelectronics and cell biology. Here the entire stamp structure is replicated in a soft polymer at elevated temperature and fixed by cooling or UV cross-linking.
Read the Microneedle Array Application Note
The "Solids Pipette" is a unique design which allows the controlled uptake and release of small particles such as beads, crystals and other small solid items.
The uptake and release is monitored with a microscope camera for verification of every transfer.